18.40.020 Complete Applications.
A. Form and Content. The Planning and Public Works Department (PPW) shall prescribe, on a Submittal Standards Checklist, the form and content for complete applications made pursuant to the Development Regulations.
B. Proposals that are inconsistent with the use and/or density provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and/or development regulations shall not be accepted.
C. Check for Complete Application. The Department shall review applications for completeness prior to acceptance for filing. An application shall be considered complete when it contains the following, unless otherwise authorized by the Director:
1. Signature of person legally authorized to sign for applicant;
2. Signed attestation by applicant or authorized agent with regard to applicant's title, legal interest, or contractual right to any real property that the applicant's application for land use permits proposes to develop ("subject property").
a. If the applicant is the owner of the subject property, the application must attest that the applicant holds title to the subject property.
b. If the applicant is a tenant of the owner of the subject property, the application must reference the lease that provides that right to develop the subject property and attach the written consent of the owner of the subject property.
c. If the applicant is under contract with the owner of the subject property to purchase the subject property, the applicant must reference the contract, the outside closing date, and attach the written consent of the owner of the subject property.
d. If the applicant has a permanent easement over the subject property that provides the right to develop the subject property, applicant shall so attest and include the easement's recording number;
3. The correct number of completed master and supplemental application forms signed by the applicant which contain a detailed description of the proposed land use, proposed hard surface, and description of all existing and proposed improvements and easements;
4. The correct number of documents, plans, or maps identified in the applicable Development Regulation, on the Submittal Standards form or application, as appropriate for the proposed project;
5. For preliminary plats only, a completed land survey of the perimeter of the site;
6. Confirmation that the water purveyor for the area is not identified as an "Inadequate Water System" per Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department records;
7. A completed State Environmental Policy Act checklist, if required; and
8. Payment of all applicable fees. In the event of insufficient funds, the application shall be deemed null and void.
D. Related Studies and Reports. Related studies and reports required to process the application should be identified by the Department before or at the time of filing or as soon thereafter as practical. Submittal of the studies with the application is encouraged, but is not required for an application to be considered complete unless identified through a pre-filing meeting, PCC 18.40.010.C.*
E. Special Submittal Requirements. In addition to the information required for a complete application described in PCC 18.40.020 C. above, the following additional information is required for a complete application in the following circumstances:
1. City of Gig Harbor's Urban Growth Area (UGA):
a. Documentation showing that an application for development in the City of Gig Harbor's UGA has been submitted to the City for review.
b. Documentation showing that a formal request for a utility extension from the City has been submitted to the City for approval.
c. Single-family dwelling units on existing legal lots of record shall be exempt from these additional submittal requirements.
2. Housing projects permitted through Chapter 18A.65 PCC, Affordable Housing Incentives:
a. The submittal of a signed Affordable Housing Incentives Program Agreement as set forth in PCC 18A.65.030 B.
F. Filing Fees. The schedule of fees for Planning and Public Works and Assessor-Treasurer Development Review, Inspection and Application/Processing Fees is established in Chapter 2.05 PCC. See Title 4A PCC for traffic, park and school Impact Fees; see Title 13 PCC for Public Sanitary Sewer charges; see Title 17C PCC for Building and Fire fees.
G. Applications Part of Permanent Record. Applications filed pursuant to the applicable Titles shall be numbered consecutively in the order of their filing and shall become a part of the permanent official records of the agency to which the application is made. Copies of all notices and orders, certificates and affidavits of posting, transmittal or publication; plans, maps, and exhibits; and any other additional application information shall be filed together with the application in the permanent official record.
Code Revisor's Note: The terms "pre-file meeting," "pre-filing meeting," "pre-filing conference," and "pre-file conference" may be used interchangeably and all refer to "Pre-File Conference" (PCC 18.40.010 B.*). "Pre-file conference" is the preferred term. See Ordinance No. 2013-30s2.
* Code Revisor's Note: PCC 18.40.010 no longer includes subsections.