18J.15.060 Infill Compatibility.
Infill compatibility standards are intended to ensure neighborhood compatibility, maintain harmony and character of existing residential areas, and ensure residential infill development occurs in an orderly and desirable manner.
A. Applicability. New residential developments of 5 or more dwelling units proposed adjacent to lots of less than 1 acre in size, at least 100 percent larger than proposed lot sizes, and of the same or lesser intense residential use type shall meet infill compatibility standards. (For example: If the proposed lot is 5,000 square feet in size and the adjacent lot is 10,000 square feet or larger [but less than 1 acre] and of the same or less intense housing type, infill compatibility applies.)
B. Exemptions.
1. Projects designed according to the Urban Infill Design standards of Chapter 18J.17 PCC.
C. Design Objective. Infill compatibility measures are necessary to help mitigate potential impacts of infill densities throughout the County.
D. Standards.
1. The rear yard setback for new homes that abut the lower density development shall be a minimum of 30 feet. Detached structures accessory to the home may be built within the rear yard, pursuant to zone setbacks, if the accessory structure does not exceed 12 feet in height;
2. The rear lot line shall be fenced with a 6-foot sight-obscuring fence or sight-obscuring vegetated screening alternative, such as evergreen shrubs or trees (See Landscape Level 3 in PCC 18J.15.040.H for full screen plant spacing standards); and
3. A note regarding the required setback and fence shall be included on the final platting document.