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A. Purpose. A PDD is intended to be a flexible zoning concept; it will provide the Examiner a chance to mold a district so that it creates more desirable environments, and results in as good or better use of land than that produced through the limiting standards provided in the regular zone classifications. The uses within the PDD depend on the uses in the underlying zone. The residential housing types and densities within the PDD shall be controlled by the underlying zone and may vary depending upon how the land is developed with general aesthetics, natural areas, and open space being an incentive; however, in no instance can use type or density vary from that which is allowed by the underlying zone.

B. Exemptions. This Section shall not be required for Infill Lot subdivisions/plats and Infill Lot short subdivisions/plats (PCC 18A.15.050).

C. Classifications of Planned Development Districts. Planned Developments shall be classified as one of three types: Urban Residential-Single Family Detached, Residential or Non-Residential. An Urban Residential-Single Family Detached PDD shall mean a development consisting of single-family residential detached structures within an urban area and at a density commensurate to the underlying zone classification. Residential PDD shall mean that the principal purpose of the PDD is to provide one or more types of housing at densities of dwellings the same as densities permitted by the underlying zone and where all other uses shall be considered accessory, supportive, or adjunct to housing. A Non-Residential PDD shall mean a development where the preponderance of uses are intended for purposes other than housing and shall include, but are not necessarily limited to: retail, service, industrial, and manufacturing, and where residential uses as are allowed by the underlying zone shall be minor and secondary in purpose to intended use of the district.

D. Initiation of a PDD. An application for a Planned Development District may be initiated by the property owner(s), contract purchaser(s) of property involved in a proposed PDD, or a public agency.

E. PDD – Phasing. The applicant may elect, or the Examiner may require that the development of a PDD be accomplished or constructed in phases provided that when a residential PDD is developed in phases, the first and each succeeding and accumulation of phases thereafter shall not be developed at a greater density of dwelling units than would be allowed under conventional platting techniques under the same zone as that underlying the PDD for the same size tract of land.

F. Redevelopment – Street Vacations. When deemed necessary, prior to development of a PDD, the Examiner may require the removal of all or portions of existing structures. It is the further purpose of this Chapter to encourage development of a PDD upon contiguous land and property. When deemed appropriate and necessary, the Examiner may require the vacation of all or portions of existing streets within the PDD. The Examiner may, as an alternative to vacation of streets, permit the inclusion of existing rights-of-way within a PDD, when it can be shown that the existing rights-of-way serve a functional purpose for the PDD and do not act to separate or divide a PDD into noncontiguous units. Rights-of-way within the context of this Section shall not include freeways, limited access roads, or major arterial highways.

G. Uses Permitted in a PDD.

1. Urban Residential-Single Family Detached: Single family detached structures limited only by density commensurate with the underlying urban zone and incentives when authorized upon land either subdivided into two or more ownerships or held in common, unified, or single ownership. Examples include the following:

a. Condominiums.

b. Customary accessory uses and structures common to a single family detached dwelling.

2. Residential:Other housing types, besides Urban Residential-Single Family Detached, limited only by the uses and density commensurate with the underlying zone and incentives when authorized upon land either subdivided into two or more ownerships or held in common, unified, or single ownership. Examples include the following:

a. Condominiums and townhouses.

b. Customary accessory uses and structures common to individual or group dwellings.

c. Group residences.

d. Incidental retail and service uses primarily for the convenience of and supported by the residences within the PDD containing not less than 100 acres or 400 dwelling units provided incidental retail or service uses may be authorized on a final development plan only upon completion and occupancy of at least 50 percent of the total dwelling units intended within the total group.

e. Manufactured home subdivisions.

f. Non-residential uses such as schools, churches, or libraries as authorized in the PDD.

3. Non-Residential: Uses permitted by the underlying zone as authorized in the development plan.

4. Conditional Uses, if permitted in the underlying zone and as specifically authorized by the final development plan.

H. Use Permit Exceptions. When a Use Permit is authorized as part of a development plan and when said uses are permitted by the underlying zone as requiring a permit from the Examiner, said procedure for obtaining the permit shall be waived.

I. PDD – Procedure for Approval. The approval of a PDD shall be considered an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas and, except as provided in this Section, shall be processed as is any other amendment with respect to notice, hearings, and appeals pursuant to this Title. A two-step procedure shall be followed in the approval of a PDD as follows:

1. The conditional approval of a preliminary development plan by the Examiner after public notice and hearing.

2. The conditional approval by the Examiner shall not become final and effective until the date the final development plan is approved by the Director and at such date the final development plan shall be deemed to be adopted. The final development plan may be approved and adopted by stages. The final development plan shall be approved by the Director after he or she is convinced that it conforms with the specific guidelines set forth by the Examiner.

J. Single-Family Detached Housing – Design Requirements for PDD. The action by the Examiner to approve a development plan for this PDD type must include mandatory design requirements as shown in Table 18A.75.050-1 below. The mandatory requirements shall depend on the type of bulk standard being reduced or road standards being requested. The requirements of the following Table shall be met for those lots or homes utilizing the reduction. In the case of a neighborhood street or access lane, only those homes accessed from that street type shall be required to meet the additional requirements described in the Table below. Proposals that involve deviations or reductions that are not addressed in the Table below shall meet the findings contained in PCC 18A.75.050.K.

Design Requirements for PDD (Table 18A.75.050-1)

Interior Setback that results in a separation between structures that is less than 2x the required interior setback

Lot Width Reduction

Lot Size Reduction

Front or Rear Yard Reduction

Single-Family Detached Condominium

Development Circulation

Public Roads

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

No block shall be longer than 350 feet

Required (1)

Site Circulation Standards in PCC 18J.17.020.A.1.a(5) through 18J.17.020.A.1.a(7)

Required (1)

Guest parking shall be accessed by a public roadway and shall not be located more than 160 feet from the associated unit.

Required (1)

Fire Protection

PDDs shall comply with currently adopted building and fire codes.



The exterior siding shall consist of fire-resistant or other material approved by the FPB



Provide a second story rescue access that fronts on a public space as approved by FPB



Fences are prohibited along interior side yards



Aesthetics and Architecture

Home elevations/models required prior to recording of final plat necessary to demonstrate the requirements of this Table are met

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

Minimize the visual impacts of the garage. One of the following methods shall be incorporated into the design:

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

1. Use of alleyways (Refer to Manual on Design Guidelines and Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction in Pierce County)

2. Garages shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the front building façade or 7 feet from the back of porch or stoop with a minimum 18 foot driveway length from the face of the garage to the back of the sidewalk or access lane. (Garages accessed by an alleyway are not required to provide an 18-foot driveway.)

3. Use of shared detached garages to meet parking requirements; each unit shall be assigned a clearly delineated garage space that may be up to 160 feet from the unit; shared garages shall be clearly separate from any private unit; shared garages shall not exceed 44 feet in width and shall maintain an 8 foot separation from any dwellings

Incorporate all of the following design methods when utilizing a reduction:

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

Required (1)

1. Utilize a variety of front yard setbacks

2. Provide a variety of floor plans, home sizes; the same model/elevation shall not be next to each other; at least two architectural styles per model

3. Use a variety of colors on homes

4. Provide a variety of roof forms and profiles that add character and relief to the streetscape

5. Neighboring homes shall have distinctive building elevations including porches or covered stoops

6. Homes on corner lots shall not have blank walls. Glazing shall be incorporated into the façade facing street.

(1) This provision shall not apply in areas zoned TCTR, UCOR, and NCOR.

K. PDD Approval – Findings Required. The action by the Examiner to approve a preliminary development plan for a proposed PDD with or without modifications shall be based upon the following findings:

1. That the proposed development is in substantial conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and adopted Community Plans.

2. That exceptions from the standards of the underlying district are warranted by the design and amenities incorporated in the development plan and program such as: including affordable housing pursuant to Chapter 18A.65 PCC, setting aside additional open space; creating more functional park/open space areas; providing greater protection of critical areas; providing variations in housing style and type; preserving native trees; and, providing transportation features such as narrower streets and alleyways. In order to achieve the base density within a zone classification, the Examiner may determine that additional design amenities are not necessary when a site has a significant percentage of land area encumbered by constraint areas such as wetlands or steep slopes.

3. That exceptions or deviations from road standards are warranted by the design and amenities incorporated in the development plan and also subject to review and approval of the County Engineer.

4. That the proposal is in harmony with the surrounding area or its potential future use.

5. That the system of ownership and means of developing, preserving, and maintaining open space is suitable.

6. That the approval will result in a beneficial effect upon the area which could not be achieved under the current zoning and development regulations that apply to the property.

7. That the proposed development or units thereof will be pursued and completed in a conscientious and diligent manner.

8. That adequate provisions have been made for sidewalks, curb, gutters and street lighting for developments in urban areas.

L. Examiner's Actions – Appeals. The action of the Examiner in conditionally approving or denying a preliminary development plan shall be final and conclusive unless a written appeal is filed pursuant to Chapter 1.22 PCC.

M. Motion – Effect. The conditional approval by the Examiner approving a preliminary development plan shall mean approval by the Examiner in principle with the PDD concept. The effective date of the amending action shall be the date the Director approves the final development plan. When they are a part of the approval of a PDD, applications for change of zone or subdivision approval shall become effective on the date the final development plan is approved.

N. Building Permits – Issuance. Building Permits shall be issued for only those portions of a PDD for which a final development plan has been approved by the Director.

O. Subdivisions. When it is the intention of an applicant to subdivide or resubdivide all or portions of property within a proposed PDD, application for approval of a preliminary subdivision or short plat may be filed and considered concurrently with an application for approval of a preliminary development plan. Subject to density of dwelling units, the minimum area, width, yard requirements and road standards for lots proposed within a PDD may be less than the minimum specified in the underlying zoning and road standards if the design of the subdivision is in accordance with the intent and purpose of this Section.

P. Final Development Plan – Time Limitation. Within three years from the date of conditional approval of a preliminary development plan by the Examiner, the applicant shall submit a final development plan for the PDD or a stage thereof for approval. When deemed reasonable and appropriate, the Examiner may grant an extension of one year for such submittal. If the PDD has been submitted as a companion to a preliminary plat application, the timelines specified in the preliminary plat approval shall control. If at the date of expiration of the time period provided herein a final development plan has not been filed for approval, or at any time after a final plan has been approved it appears that the project is not progressing in a reasonable and consistent manner or the project has been abandoned, action may be initiated pursuant to PCC 18A.85.060 to revoke the PDD. When revocation has been enacted upon a PDD, the land and the structures thereon may be used only for a lawful purpose permissible within the zone in which the PDD is located.

Q. Permissive Variation from Standard Requirements. In considering a proposed development plan, the approval may involve modifications in the regulations, requirements, and standards of the underlying zone in which the project is located to appropriately accomplish the purpose of this Section. In making such modifications as are deemed appropriate, the following guidelines shall apply:

1. Off-street parking and loading. The total required off-street parking facilities shall not be less than the sum of the required parking facilities for the various uses computed separately. Opportunities for shared parking should be reviewed to reduce off-street parking requirements where low impact development best management practices (LID BMPs) are utilized.

2. Height of buildings. The height of buildings and structures within a PDD should be limited to the height permitted by the underlying zone, or as required by the County as a special limitation. The height of buildings and structures may be increased in relationship to provisions for greater open space and separation between buildings on the same or adjoining property and when adequate provision is made for light, air, and safety.

3. Lot area coverage. The maximum lot coverage within a PDD or any portion thereof shall be determined by the Examiner at the time of consideration of a preliminary development plan. Maximum lot coverage shall consider areas needed for LID BMPs.

4. Roads. A PDD proposal shall not be allowed to decrease the width of a road through a deviation process. Standard road cross-sections as approved by the County Engineer shall be utilized.

R. Prior Existing Planned Unit Developments. Planned Unit Developments previously authorized by Unclassified Use Permit, prior to the effective date of this Section, shall be repealed and reclassified to Planned Development Districts pursuant to this Section as is now in effect. Except for the reclassification of a prior Unclassified Use Permit to a Planned Development District, all prior Planned Unit Developments may continue to develop on the basis of controls contained in the resolution establishing the development provided that subsequent changes, additions, or modifications to an existing Planned Unit Development shall be processed under this current Section.

S. Parties Bound by PDD District. Once the preliminary development plan is approved by the Examiner, all persons and parties, their successors and heirs, who own or have any interest in the real property within the proposed PDD, are bound by the Examiner's action.

(Ord. 2021-31s § 9, 2021; Ord. 2020-102s § 3, 2020; Ord. 2018-68s § 3 (part), 2018; Ord. 2017-89s § 2 (part), 2018; Ord. 2009-98s § 4 (part), 2010; Ord. 2006-104s § 1, 2006; Ord. 2005-84s § 2 (part), 2006; Ord. 2004-52s § 3 (part), 2004; Ord. 98-85S § 1 (part), 1998; Ord. 97-84 § 2 (part), 1997; Ord. 96-97 § 4 (part), 1996; Ord. 95-149S2 § 1 (part), 1996; Ord. 95-79S § 2 (part), 1995)