18J.15.250 Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facility.
A. Applicability. This Section shall apply to all types of hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities and are in addition to the standard bulk and performance requirements of each zone. A hazardous waste facility is subject to State siting and design criteria and permitting processes adopted pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 70.105 RCW and to any other siting criteria applying to commercial and industrial uses adopted by the Health Department or the County.
B. Standards.
1. Site Plan. A site plan must be filed with the Planning and Public Works Department along with a copy of the application for a State facility permit issued pursuant to Chapter 70.105 RCW and any other required County permits. In addition to the County site plan requirements, the site plan shall show all State requirements for siting, performance, buffering, security, and design. The site plan shall become a binding site plan when approved by the Examiner or the Director (whichever is appropriate depending upon the land use permitting process) and when all land use and State permits have been approved. However, in no case shall a site plan receive final approval until agreements with County Law Enforcement, the Fire District, County Fire Marshal, and Emergency Management Department have been signed in accordance with Chapter 173-303 WAC. Any major changes as defined by Chapter 173-303 WAC which affect State requirements or County development standards require amendments to the original site plan and must be reviewed and approved through the same permit process as the original was approved. Site plans must be finalized and approved prior to the issuance of any Building Permit.
2. Security Fencing and Signage. All security fencing and signs required for the State's final facility permit must meet County sign code and fencing standards. Perimeter fencing shall be 6 feet to 8 feet in height with a lockable gate, provided that no sight-obscuring fence constituting a traffic hazard is erected within any required setback flanking a street. Every fence shall be maintained in a condition of good repair and shall not be allowed to become or remain in a condition of disrepair including, but not limited to, noticeable leaning, sagging, missing sections, or broken supports.
3. Onsite Facility. An onsite facility shall only be allowed as an accessory use clearly incidental and secondary to a permitted principal commercial or industrial use and subject to the permitting procedures of the principal use. The proposed addition of an onsite facility to an existing use that is permitted through a Conditional Use Permit requires an amendment to the original permit. Any onsite facility requiring a Conditional Use Permit may be subject to additional conditions by the Examiner in relation to specific concerns about the site's location and proximity to environmentally sensitive areas, residential development, or other constraints.
4. Offsite Facility.
a. An offsite facility limited to treating or storing hazardous wastes generated within Pierce County shall be allowed through a Conditional Use Permit in the EC and RAC zones. Permit applications and site plans must address and demonstrate that the proposed facility meets the policies of the County's Hazardous Waste Plan.
b. An offsite facility treating or storing hazardous waste generated outside Pierce County shall only be allowed through a Conditional Use Permit in the EC and RAC zones and not unless and until a State Hazardous Waste Plan is adopted. Permit applications and site plans must address and demonstrate how the proposed facility meets the regional needs as assessed in the State's Hazardous Waste Plan.
c. An offsite facility located in the EC or RAC zones, when adjacent to residential or agricultural zones, shall meet the same minimum setback distances and landscaping requirements for industrial uses as listed in PCC 18A.15.040.B.3 and 18J.15.040 unless State buffering and setback permitting requirements are more restrictive. In addition, the facility must provide a continuous setback of 300 feet measured from the property line unless it can be shown that a sight-obscuring screen formed by natural growing evergreen trees or shrubs will be maintained. If the natural configuration of the land is such that it serves to completely screen the facility from view from the adjacent residential zones, the setback may be reduced, but in no case shall the setback be less than 100 feet. In such cases, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to prove compliance with the intent of this exception.
d. An offsite facility located in an EC or RAC zone, when adjacent to commercial or industrial zones, shall provide a setback measured from the property line equal to the setback required for the same yard in the abutting zone directly opposite, unless State buffering and setback permitting requirements are more restrictive.