18J.15.230 Outdoor Stockpiles.
A. Applicability. This Section shall apply to businesses including, but not limited to, contractors, landscaping suppliers, garden nurseries, recycling processors, and scrap metal processors who stockpile materials including, but not limited to, yard waste, wood debris, landscape materials, construction materials, demolition waste, manure, or scrap metal exceeding 10 cubic yards.
B. Exemptions:
1. Temporary stockpiles that are created during the course of normal construction where materials are stockpiled on a site for less than six months;
2. Surface mines operating under a valid special use permit or Department of Natural Resources Reclamation Permit; or
3. Commercial/retail centers (Commercial Centers Use Type) having site areas of 15 acres or larger in size.
C. Design Objective. Provide design criteria for businesses including, but not limited to, contractors, landscaping suppliers, garden nurseries, recycling processors, and scrap metal processors in accordance with adopted policies and in a manner that will protect the health, safety, and general welfare of Pierce County residents.
D. Standards.
1. Setbacks.
a. Outdoor stockpiles shall maintain a minimum setback of 30 feet from exterior lot lines. When the exterior lot line is abutting an urban residential zone, the setback shall be increased to 100 feet.
2. Maximum Height. The maximum height of a stockpile shall not exceed that which is established for structures in the applicable zone or 30 feet, whichever is less. The following exceptions apply:
a. A stockpile may be allowed to increase 1 foot in height for every foot the required setback is increased, not to exceed 40 feet.
b. In the Employment Center (EC) and Employment Corridor (ECOR) zones, there shall be no height restriction on parcels exceeding 5 acres in size, provided all setback standards are met.
3. Interior Fencing and Screening.
a. Outdoor stockpile areas must be secured by a surrounding fence or other enclosure. Within an urban growth area, the fence or enclosure shall be sight-obscuring and shall meet the standards set forth in PCC 18J.15.040.H.5.
b. Loading areas should be located to the side or rear of existing buildings to minimize views of this activity and shall be screened, in accordance with fencing standards contained in PCC 18J.15.040 H.5., from adjacent properties and streets.
4. Exterior Screening.
a. Visual screening consisting of evergreen plant material that will provide a solid screen of at least 16 feet in height shall be required along the site's exterior boundaries when the use or activity occurs on property that is adjacent to property improved with a residential use, public and private road rights-of-way, or urban residential zone classification.
b. Within the required setback, the required visual screening buffer(s) width shall not be less than 30 feet and shall provide a site-obscuring screen within 3 years. If existing vegetation does not provide the required sight-obscuring screen, supplemental plantings or sight-obscuring fencing shall be required. When supplemental plantings are proposed, irrigation must be provided meeting the standards set forth in PCC 18J.15.110. One access way, not wider than 30 feet, will be allowed to cut through the designated visual screening buffer area. No other cutting of trees will be allowed within the designated visual buffer area for the life of the approved project, except as provided for dangerous or diseased trees.