18J.15.220 Construction and Contractor Facilities.
A. Applicability. This Section shall apply to all new Construction and Contractor Facilities, and to the expansion area of expanding facilities.
B. Design Objective. Provide design criteria for contractor yards and construction services facilities in accordance with adopted policies and in a manner that will protect the health, safety, and general welfare of Pierce County residents.
C. Standards.
1. Hours of Operation. Hours of operation shall be limited to 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., except where specifically addressed in a use permit decision or where specifications for a governmental Public Works project requires work outside of these hours. When a contractor obtains a contract requiring after-hours operations, the contractor shall post a sign on the property identifying the contract and the dates and time periods involved to serve as notice to the surrounding property owners.
2. Emissions.
a. Dust, dirt, or other particulate matter shall not be emitted in quantities as to adversely affect adjacent residential property or degrade water quality of adjacent lakes or streams. Reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne.
b. No use shall emit odorous gasses or other odorous matter or generate ground vibration that is perceptible without instruments at or beyond the site lot lines, except for vehicles entering and exiting the site.
c. Noise originating from the site shall comply with the standards set forth in Chapter 8.76 PCC, as now existing or hereafter amended.
3. Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be directed and shielded in a manner that minimizes its visibility at the site's boundaries. Exterior lighting shall not be used in such a manner that it produces glare on public streets and neighboring residential property. Arc-welding, acetylene torch cutting, or similar processes shall be performed so as not to be seen from any point beyond the property line of the use creating the glare.
4. Impervious Surfaces. Impervious surface coverage shall be determined by the underlying zone classification.
5. Setbacks.
a. All buildings and other structures shall be set back a minimum of 30 feet from exterior lot lines when the use or activity occurs on property that is adjacent to property improved with a residential use, public and private road right-of-way, or an MSF or HRD zone classification, except where increased setbacks are required pursuant to PCC 18A.15.040.B.3.
b. Outdoor storage and stockpiling of construction materials and equipment shall maintain a minimum setback of 50 feet from exterior lot lines.
6. Interior Fencing and Screening.
a. Outdoor storage areas must be secured by a surrounding fence or other enclosure. Within an urban growth area, the fence or enclosure shall be sight-obscuring and shall meet the standards set forth in PCC 18J.15.040.H.5.
b. Loading areas should be located to the side or rear of buildings to minimize views of this activity and shall be screened from adjacent properties and streets.
7. Exterior Screening.
a. A visual screening buffer shall be required along the site's exterior boundaries when the use or activity occurs on property that is adjacent to property improved with a residential use, public and private road rights-of-way, or an MSF or HRD zone classification.
b. The required visual screening buffer(s) shall not be less than 30 feet in width and shall provide a site-obscuring screen within three years. If existing flora does not provide the required sight-obscuring screen, supplemental plantings and/or sight-obscuring fencing shall be required. When supplemental plantings are proposed, irrigation must be provided meeting the standards set forth in PCC 18J.15.110. One access way, not wider than 30 feet, will be allowed to cut through the designated visual screening buffer area. No other cutting of trees will be allowed within the designated visual buffer area for the life of the approved project, except as provided for dangerous or diseased trees.
c. When using native and drought-tolerant vegetation, some or all irrigation requirements may be waived.
D. Standards – Rural 10 Locations. For property zoned Rural 10, construction and contractor facilities are not allowed on any land that is within 1,000 feet of any State Route 16 interchange. For purposes of this Section, an interchange shall be defined as the point at which the centerline of the highway intersects the centerline of any street or road crossing under or over the highway.