18J.15.190 Outdoor Event Facilities.
A. Applicability. These standards apply to outdoor event facilities permitted through PCC 18A.33.220 C.
B. Exemptions. Properties zoned Towne Center (TCTR) and Urban Corridor (UCOR) are exempt from the provisions of this Section.
C. Design Objective. Provide design standards to ensure outdoor event facilities are located and developed in a manner that protects the health, safety, general welfare, and convenience of Pierce County residents.
D. Standards.
1. Hours of Operation. Hours of operation shall be limited from sunrise to sunset (outdoor events only), except where specifically addressed in a use permit decision.
2. Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be directed and shielded in a manner that minimizes its visibility at the site's boundaries. Exterior lighting shall not be used in such a manner that it produces glare on public streets and neighboring residential properties. Any temporary lighting associated with a specific event shall comply with these standards and shall be removed within 24 hours of the end of the event. All exterior lighting shall comply with the standards in PCC 18J.15.085.D.
3. Noise. Noise originating from the site shall be buffered to the maximum extent possible and be minimized to serve the needs of the facility while limiting impacts to adjacent parcels.
a. A noise study shall be provided recommending wattage/decibel maximums for any sound equipment proposed to be utilized outdoors.
b. At the discretion of the Hearing Examiner or Director, a noise-attenuating barrier, as described in PCC 18J.15.070, may be required to attenuate noise from an outdoor event.
4. Buffers and Screening. Adequate buffering addressing noise, lighting, parking areas, and other identified impacts is required at varying levels depending upon adjacent uses, adjacent zoning, and type of impact. Interior and exterior buffers are required depending upon proposed on-site and off-site impacts. These standards are in addition to the landscaping standards of PCC 18J.15.040.
a. Interior.
(1) Any outdoor storage areas, maintenance or mechanical equipment, or other equipment deemed by the Director or Hearing Examiner to need screening, must be screened from view by a sight-obscuring enclosure, such as fencing, landscaping, or a combination thereof.
(2) Loading areas should be located to the side or rear of buildings or use areas to minimize views of this activity and shall be screened from adjacent properties and streets.
b. Exterior. A site-obscuring fence, wall, or landscape buffer shall be provided around the perimeter of either the entire parcel or the use area proposed to accommodate outdoor events when located adjacent to an existing residential use, public or private right-of-way, access easement, or any parcel within an Urban Residential or Rural Residential zone classification. (See PCC 18A.10.080 and 18A.10.090 for a complete list of zone classifications.)
(1) Any landscaping proposed to be utilized for screening shall be a minimum of 30 feet in width and shall provide a complete visual screen within three years.
(2) One access, not wider than 30 feet, will be allowed to cut through the designated visual screening buffer area, unless documentation for the need for multiple accesses is submitted to the Planning and Public Works Department. Access points shall be the minimum number and width necessary to serve the site.
(3) No clearing of existing vegetation or trees within 30 feet of the parcel boundary for the life of the approved project, except for trees defined by Chapter 18.25 PCC as Dangerous, Diseased, or Hazard trees, noxious weeds on the State of Washington Noxious Weed List (Chapter 16-750 WAC), or invasive species as identified and approved for removal by Pierce County.
(4) If existing vegetation is not adequate to accomplish the required buffer, supplemental plantings shall be utilized. Irrigation must be provided meeting the standards set forth in PCC 18J.15.110.
5. Setbacks. All outdoor events shall maintain a minimum 50-foot setback from parcel boundaries adjacent to an existing residential use, public or private right-of-way, access easement, or any parcel within an Urban Residential or Rural Residential zone classification. (See PCC 18A.10.080 and 18A.10.090 for a complete list of zone classifications.) The minimum setback for outdoor event activities may be reduced to 35 feet when noise-attenuating measures described in PCC 18J.15.070 are implemented, except where the zone classification requires a larger building setback, in which case all events shall maintain that larger, designated setback.
6. Occupancy. The facility shall establish a maximum occupancy to provide for safe access to, and use of, the facility. Parking requirements shall be based upon maximum occupancy to ensure that parking impacts to neighboring parcels are not created. If the facility cannot provide adequate parking, sanitary facilities, emergency access, and overall public safety, maximum occupancy shall be reduced. Maximum occupancy may not be exceeded in any case for any event without the approval of the Temporary Use Permit, Chapter 18A.38 PCC.
7. Parking Areas. Parking shall be per Chapter 18A.35 PCC. If Chapter 18A.35 PCC does not include a level that encompasses the types of events proposed to be held on the project site, the applicant shall provide a parking study detailing the types of events the facility may be utilized for and recommending adequate minimum and maximum parking areas for the specific facility.
8. Outdoor Receptions. Outdoor receptions or parties shall be prohibited in Rural 5 zone classifications. No amplified noise shall be permitted at outdoor events in the Rural 5 zone classification except during an outdoor wedding ceremony for the wedding march music, recited vows, etc.
9. Access. Facilities generating traffic at a level which requires a traffic study are required to be accessed via a public roadway, state highway, or other roadway or access, such as a private road, serving only the project site.