18J.10.055 Submittal and Review Requirements.
A. Design Review Application Submittal Requirements. All design review and Site Plan Review applications shall include a site plan and shall meet the submittal standards for the development or use permit, together with any other plans and drawings necessary to describe how the project conforms to the design objectives and standards of this Title.
1. Preliminary Review. The provisions for conducting a preliminary review for any application filed pursuant to this Title are set forth in Title 18 PCC, Development Regulations – General Provisions.
2. Application Filing. Applications shall be reviewed for completeness in accordance with Department submittal standards checklists and pursuant to Title 18 PCC, Development Regulations – General Provisions. Any application that fails to include the information required under this Title shall be returned to the applicant as an incomplete application.
3. Site Plans. Site plans and building elevations shall be drawn to scale and shall address in writing, or through graphic illustration, the following items:
a. Existing and planned roadways and parking, sidewalks, open space and trail systems, utilities, exterior lighting, and buildings;
b. On-site natural features, including, but not limited to, soils, vegetation, hydrogeologic and geologically hazardous areas, wetlands, and watercourses;
c. Critical areas and important natural features, and how these areas and features will be incorporated into overall site design;
d. Limits of construction, showing existing and proposed grade changes;
e. Identification of, and compatibility with, surrounding land uses, zoning, overlay districts, and view corridors;
f. Net developable area calculations;
g. Compliance with applicable design objectives and standards; and
h. View corridors and scenic vistas (e.g., views of Mount Rainier, the Cascade or Olympic Mountain Ranges, lakes, etc.) with appropriate landscape, building, and site design techniques that avoid or minimize view obstruction.
4. Building Elevations. Building elevations, to include exterior building illumination if proposed, shall be submitted for each wall plane for which the design standards of this Title are applicable and shall include detailed notes on specifically how architectural points have been achieved.
5. Tree Conservation Plans. At the time of application, sufficient information regarding tree conservation shall be shown on the site plan to support the design and location of the proposed development. Final tree conservation plans shall be prepared, submitted, and approved prior to the approval of site development permits or final approval of any development permits, whichever is first. The plans shall be drawn to the same scale as the site plan, show approximate locations of trees to be retained or planted, shall meet the applicable standards of PCC 18J.15.030, and shall include:
a. For designated Forest Lands, tree unit calculations, including the estimated volume of merchantable timber proposed to be removed from the site.
b. Significant trees on the site shall be identified and labeled on the plan with species name and diameter at breast height (d.b.h.). Where a sampling method is proposed for treed project sites, standards shall follow accepted industry methods as determined by a Professional Forester or licensed Landscape Architect.
c. Where sampling methods are not used, an inventory of all trees located on the site which are being retained and have a d.b.h. of 6 inches or more and masses of trees (if being used to meet tree unit requirements), with the drip-lines of individual trees or tree masses outlined. The average d.b.h. within tree masses shall be specified on the drawing.
(1) Trees with a d.b.h. of 1 to 6 inches shall be inventoried and located if the trees are intended to be used to meet tree unit density requirements.
(2) Where a sampling method is proposed, standards shall follow accepted industry methods as determined by a Professional Forester or licensed Landscape Architect.
d. The mature tree canopy shall be shown for each tree proposed for retention and/or replacement tree, other than street trees, when such trees are located within 100 feet of a buildable area in order to identify and minimize potential future conflicts between such trees and adjacent structures.
6. Landscape Plans. Landscape plans are required to ensure compliance with applicable standards prior to the approval of any associated development permit or recommended approval of any land use or land division application. Landscape plans shall be drawn to the same scale as the site plan.
a. The requirements at time of initial project submittal can be limited to the following:
(1) A site plan showing:
(a) Locations of proposed structures, off-street parking, pedestrian, bus, and bicycle facilities;
(b) Any type of vegetation retention, such as Native Vegetation boundaries;
(c) Location and type of landscape buffers;
(d) Location of parking lot landscaping;
(e) Location of proposed stormwater facilities and required buffers; and
(f) Location of proposed active and passive recreation areas.
b. Prior to approval of site development permits or final approval of development permits, whichever is first, landscaping plans shall be submitted and include the location, size, species, and number of plants to be planted and a narrative description detailing site preparation, installation, and maintenance measures necessary for the long-term survival and health of the plants. The following information is also required:
(1) A plant schedule shall be provided on the planting plan. The schedule shall include botanical and common names of new plant material and plants to be retained, typical spacing for each species, size of plant material, quantity of each plant species, and planting instructions (refer to PCC 18J.15.100 for native and drought-tolerant plant selection requirements); and
(2) Provide a timeline and/or phasing plan for site preparation, installation, and maintenance.
c. Vegetation retention areas required pursuant to PCC 18J.15.020 (Site Clearing) shall be indicated on the landscaping plan. The landscaping plan shall also include information regarding the plant types, sizes, quantities, and general health information regarding the vegetation retention areas.
7. Irrigation Plans. Irrigation plans shall be prepared for all landscaped areas for which temporary or permanent irrigation methods will be used. Irrigation plans shall be submitted prior to or at time of site development permit application. Refer to PCC 18J.15.110.C.5 for irrigation standards.
8. Recreation Space Plans. For projects requiring recreation space, the applicant shall submit a recreation space plan prior to approval of site development permits or final approval of development permits, whichever is first. The Hearing Examiner or Director shall review the recreation space plan in conjunction with the development application and shall have the authority to approve, deny, or modify the location and type of recreation facilities, landscaping, and other improvements. Recreation space plan information may be included on the landscaping plans, and shall include the following information:
a. Detail of the improvements proposed for the active recreation spaces;
b. The location of passive recreation spaces; and
c. An analysis of how the recreation spaces meet the minimum recreation space standards of this Title.
9. Persons Qualified to Prepare Plans. To help ensure adequate plans are submitted for review, the following minimum plan preparation standards shall apply.
a. Tree Conservation Plans. Tree retention and inventory information shall be prepared by a Professional Forester or licensed Landscape Architect.
b. Landscape Plans. The planting plan shall be prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect or a Washington State Professional Horticulturalist, except that planting plans for land divisions of 4 or fewer lots, street tree requirements, and canopy tree requirements for properties abutting vacant land may be prepared by the applicant.
c. Irrigation Plans. Irrigation plans shall be prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect or Irrigation Association Certified Designer for all permanent irrigation systems except those systems having a value of less than $3,000.00. Irrigation plans for systems having a value of less than $3,000.00 may be prepared by the property owner or other individual.
d. Critical Area Plans. Planting or retention plans for land subject to Title 18E, Development Regulations – Critical Areas, which are used to meet standards of this Title, shall be prepared by professionals as permitted by Title 18E. If compliance with critical area requirements will be used to partially or fully satisfy landscaping, native vegetation, or tree conservation requirements, detailed information shall be provided that explains how critical area compliance will satisfy the applicable design requirement.
B. Modifications.
1. Design Review Plans. The Director may allow or approve minor modifications to approved plans, to include associated landscape, irrigation, tree conservation, and recreation space plans, during site development or building construction to account for unforeseen site conditions and circumstances. A request for minor modification must be submitted in writing along with a copy of the revised plan or building elevation.
C. Public Notice. Public notice provisions for notice of application, public hearing, and final decision pursuant to this Title are outlined in Title 18, Development Regulations – General Provisions.
D. Time Limitations.
1. Expiration of Approval. The design review approval expiration time lines shall run concurrently with the expiration timelines established for the underlying permit or approval, or if no expiration date is specified, then the design review shall expire one year from the approval date.
2. Time Extensions. Time extensions shall run concurrently with the timelines established for the underlying permit or approval.
3. Time Period for Final Decision. The provisions for issuing a notice of final decision on any application filed pursuant to this Title are set forth in Title 18, Development Regulations – General Provisions.