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A. The purpose of this Section is to establish minimum fire flow requirements for land development and for all new and expanding public water systems in Pierce County. These fire flow requirements shall better protect the residents, inhabitants, commercial developments, and industrial developments in Pierce County against the dangers of fire due to the inadequacy of water and the inadequacy of water pressure.

Nothing in this Chapter shall be deemed to reduce, replace, or waive any requirement set forth in PCC 17C.60.160.

B. General Applicability. The following shall be subject to the requirements of this Chapter:

1. Proposed subdivisions;

2. Proposed mobile home parks;

3. New water systems or new additions to existing systems;

4. Planned development districts;

5. Binding site plans;

6. Conditional use permits;

7. Short subdivisions;

8. Large lot divisions;

9. Plat amendments; and

10. Plat alterations.

C. Fire Flow and Water System Requirements.

1. The following activities and systems are exempt from the fire flow and water system requirements set forth in subsection C.2 below.

a. Activities identified in subsection D of this Section shall be subject to the requirements of subsection D of this Section only.

b. New water systems or new additions to existing systems when all lots to be served by such new system or new addition are one gross acre or more in size and uses are limited to single family residential.

2. Except as provided in subsection C.1 above, the following fire flow and water system requirements apply to those activities identified in subsections B.1 through 6.

a. Minimum Fire Flow and Hydrant Spacing Requirements. Tables 17C.60-7 and 17C.60-8 set forth minimum fire flow and hydrant spacing requirements. Actual fire flow and hydrant spacing requirements shall be determined in accordance with PCC 17C.60.160 when application is made for a building permit.

TABLE 17C.60-7

Minimum Fire Flow Requirements

Type of Development

Fire Flow Required (G.P.M.) (1, 2)

Minimum Duration (minutes)

One- and Two-Family












(1)    Water systems serving multiple properties shall provide a minimum of 1,500 GPM for 120 minutes.

(2)    This table represents the minimums for compliance with land subdivision. Specific fire flow requirements for a building will be determined at time of application for building permits.


TABLE 17C.60-8

Maximum Hydrant Spacing Based on Minimum Fire Flow Requirements

Minimum Fire Flow Requirement (G.P.M.)

Average Spacing Between Hydrants (1, 2, 3) (FT.)







(1)    Hydrants shall be provided along adjacent public and private roads. When practical, hydrants shall be located at street intersections.

(2)    On dead-end streets and roadways not exceeding 600 feet in length and serving property designated to be used for one- or two-family dwellings there need not be hydrants located on said dead-end street or roadway if there is an approved hydrant at the intersection.

(3)    Where streets are provided with median dividers or where arterial streets are provided with four or more traffic lanes and have a traffic count of more than 30,000 vehicles per day, hydrant spacing shall comply with Table 17C.60-8 on both sides of the street.

b. Mains. New or replaced water mains shall be a minimum of eight inches in diameter for dead ends, and six inches for circulating mains; provided, that for dead-end cul-de-sacs, an 8-inch main need only extend to the last required fire hydrant and domestic mains may be installed thereafter to the remaining residences. Hydrant leads less than 50 feet may be six inches in diameter. A dead-end main which extends across a street only for the purpose of serving a hydrant shall be of a size capable of providing the required fire flow, but it shall not be less than six inches in diameter. All mains shall have hydrants and/or tees and valves installed to conform with this regulation, except that no hydrants, tees or valves shall be required along transmission mains. Any service connection made to a transmission main shall require that a hydrant be installed. Any extension that is more than 350 feet shall require an 8-inch main or a 6-inch loop.

When existing water mains are replaced, new water mains shall be sized in compliance with this regulation, but there shall be no requirement to replace the entire system to meet minimum fire flow requirements.

c. Hydrants. This standard shall apply to all new hydrant installations and when existing hydrants are replaced on public water systems required to provide fire flow. Standard hydrants shall have not less than 5-inch main valve openings (MVO) with two 2 1/2-inch National Hose (N.H.) outlet ports and one 4 1/2-inch N.H. outlet port. All 2 1/2-inch ports and the 4 1/2-inch outlet ports shall have threads that correspond with and meet the approval of the affected fire department.

All new hydrants and replaced hydrants shall be provided with 5-inch storz fittings. Hydrants shall meet the current A.W.W.A. standards.

(1) Hydrant Locations. Hydrant locations shall be determined by the Fire Marshal, guided by the maximum spacing indicated by Table 17C.60-8.

(2) Auxiliary Gate Valve. There shall be an auxiliary gate valve installed to permit the repair and replacement of the hydrants without disruption of water service.

(3) Setup. Hydrants shall stand plumb and be set to the finished grade. The bottom of the lowest outlet of the hydrant shall be no less than 18 inches above the grade. There shall be 36 inches of clear area around the hydrant for operation of a hydrant wrench on the outlets and on the control valve. The pumper port shall face the street. Where the street cannot be clearly defined or recognized, the port shall face the most likely route of approach and the location of the fire truck while pumping, as determined by the Fire Marshal.

(4) Accessibility. Hydrants shall be accessible for fire department pumpers.

(5) Plans. The location of all water mains, fire hydrants, and valves to be installed shall be properly and accurately marked on identifiable plans or drawings. Plans or drawings shall be furnished to the Fire Marshal for review and approval.

(6) Color Coding. Color coding, when used, shall be in accordance with NFPA 291.

D. Requirements for Large Lot Divisions, One Acre Short Subdivisions and One Acre Formal Subdivisions (Residential). Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall submit to the Fire Marshal a Certificate of Water Availability and water system vicinity map from the water purveyor addressing its willingness and ability to satisfy the requirements of this regulation.

E. Procedures for Compliance.

1. Prior to final plat, final short plat or final plan approval, the following shall be required:

a. Water system plans and specifications which comply with these Regulations shall be designed and stamped by a registered professional engineer. Said plans shall be signed by the purveyor and shall be filed with the Fire Marshal.

b. Water system plans shall be approved in writing by the Fire Marshal.

2. When the distribution system is installed, said installation shall be under the direction of a registered professional engineer who shall certify the construction of the system is in accordance with the approved design prior to occupancy or any other use of any structure.

F. Purveyor Requirements.

1. All purveyors shall comply with the Pierce County Coordinated Water System Plan.

2. Maintenance and testing of private water systems per NFPA 25 are the responsibility of the property owner. Required inspection and test records shall be provided to the Fire Marshal.

(Ord. 2024-528 § 1, 2024; Ord. 2021-46s § 1, 2021; Ord. 2016-85s § 1 (part), 2016; Ord. 2004-30s § 4 (part), 2004)