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Sections 503.1 through 503.4 of the International Fire Code (IFC) are deleted and replaced as follows:

A. Applicability. Emergency Vehicle Access (EV Access) shall be provided and maintained in accordance with this Chapter for any parcel(s) of land improved with building(s) or facilities. EV Access shall be required for every building, portion of a building, or facility that is located more than 150 feet (250 feet if equipped with an approved fire sprinkler system) from the edge of the driving surface of a public or private road or shared access facility as measured in an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. If a private road, access, or shared access facility leading to a subject property is a dead end longer than 300 feet, an approved turnaround is required.

B. Modifications or Exceptions.

1. Residential: EV Access shall not be required for the following:

a. Residential accessory buildings without dwelling units that are less than 3,600 square feet and separated from other structures by at least 10 feet.

b. A one-time addition of an existing structure if the proposed change does not increase the building square footage by more than 1,500 square feet.

2. Non-Residential/Commercial: EV Access shall not be required for the following:

a. Towers and water tanks.

b. Remodels or alterations of existing structures if the proposed change does not account for more than 50 percent of the building square footage.

c. Agriculture/aquaculture buildings.

d. Structures for the sole purpose of storing mineral products such as salt, sand or rock for maintenance purposes.

e. Buildings that are 1,000 square feet or less and meet all of the following criteria:

(1) Separated from other structures by greater than 20 feet.

(2) Separated from property lines by greater than 10 feet.

(3) Not classified as group R, H or I occupancies as defined by the International Building Code (IBC).

3. Sprinklered buildings or facilities are permitted to modify EV Access minimum width per Table 17C.60.150-1.

4. When an EV Access cannot be installed in conformance with these standards due to non-negotiable grades, critical areas, dimensions of the property, or other similar conditions, the Fire Marshal may allow a modification to these standards. Impacted buildings may require an approved fire sprinkler system. This authorization shall be made through the "Modifications" and/or "Alternate Methods or Materials" procedure established by the IFC.

C. Relationship with Road Standards. EV access standards contained in this Chapter are applicable within and on a subject property. Public or private roads or shared access facilities that lead to the subject property and provide access over other properties via easements or County right-of-way shall meet the standards in Title 17B PCC, Construction and Infrastructure Regulations, and shall be maintained to standard.

Deviations from County road standards that deal with width, grade, turnaround, or other access requirements that impact fire department access/ingress and operations shall require a fire sprinkler system in all homes directly impacted by the deviation. When a deviation to County road standards that impacts fire department access/ingress is proposed, the applicant shall provide justification as to which lots are not directly impacted by the request. The Pierce County Fire Marshal will review the deviation and provide an approval, a conditional approval, or deny the request based upon the factual details of the request.

D. Administration.

1. A site plan shall be submitted to Pierce County in accordance with the site plan submittal standards for the proposed building permit. EV Access design and designated fire lanes shall be identified on the site plan and approved by the Fire Marshal prior to the issuance of the building permit.

2. The applicant shall have the EV Access constructed in compliance with the conditions of the permit before the project will receive final inspection approval.

3. Failure to construct and/or maintain the EV Access as approved shall result in the imposition of penalties under this Chapter.

E. EV Access Requirements.

1. EV Access standards are as shown in Table 17C.60.150-1.

2. A dead-end EV Access in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with a turnaround. The turnaround shall be provided within 150 feet of the end of the EV Access. One leg of the turnaround must be at least 30 feet from the structure it is serving or other dwelling units.

3. Bridges that provide EV Access must be capable of carrying a minimum design load of H-20 per "Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges," as adopted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AASHTO. A building permit is required by the County for the installation of a bridge. The County may require that the capacity of bridges and structures be certified by a licensed structural engineer.

4. EV Access with a gate shall meet the requirements of PCC 17B.10.102 and 17C.60.205. Gates exempt from PCC 17B.10.102 shall meet the requirements of IFC 503.5 and 503.6.

5. EV Access grades that are 12 percent or greater shall be an approved all-weather surface. When grades are 15 percent or greater, an approved National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all dwelling units.

6. EV Access shall not be obstructed in any manner. Minimum required widths and clearances established under these standards shall be maintained at all times. Approved signs, striping, or lettering as guided by IFC Appendix D103.6 shall be provided and maintained by the property owner to identify and prohibit the obstruction of fire department access.

7. Construction of a new building shall not obstruct the EV Access to an existing building.

8. For a commercial or multifamily building where emergency vehicle access is not available on all sides of the building, an approved all-weather surface walking/rescue path shall be provided on the sides of the building where there is not emergency vehicle access.

When possible, the near edge of the path shall be located away from the building in accordance with the following:

a. When the building is less than 30 feet in height, a minimum of five feet.

b. When the building is between 30 feet and 40 feet in height, a minimum of seven feet, six inches.

c. When the building is 40 feet or more in height, a minimum of 10 feet.

F. Special Provisions.

1. Traffic Control Measures. Traffic Control Measures. Traffic control measures such as speed bumps or speed humps shall be approved by the Fire Marshal. Example speed bump and speed hump designs can be found on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) website.

2. Access Locations. IFC Appendix D104, D106, and D107 are adopted.

3. Aerial Access. Apartments, townhomes and commercial structures three stories and greater or exceeding 30 feet in height, as measured from the lowest level of Fire Department access to the top of the parapet wall or to the peak of the roof, shall have approved aerial apparatus access roads guided by IFC Appendix D105.2 – D105.4.

a. When possible, the AAAR shall be located on the front door or long side of the building and not be less than 25 percent of the building perimeter; except Group I occupancies shall not be less than 50 percent of the building perimeter.

Table 17C.60.150-1. Emergency Vehicle Access (1) Requirements

Proposed Development

Width (minimum driving surface) (2)

Width (minimum driving surface with sprinklers) (2)

Vertical Clearance (minimum)

Minimum Turning Radii



Single family home

ADU Duplex

Residential accessory structure

3,600 sq. ft. or greater






Home + ADU


3 or more units including townhomes

Commercial Use, Facilities, Mobile Home Park, Condominium Piers and public docks

24' (4,5)






(1)   EV access driveway standards are applicable within and on a single lot, and not located within ingress/egress easements. See PCC 17B.10.040 for additional information on applicability of Construction and Infrastructure Regulations.

(2)    Surface shall be all-weather and capable of handling a 75,000 lb. apparatus. Grasscrete or similar grass paver systems are not allowed.

(3)    The cleared area must be maintained on each side of the minimum driving surface, be at the same grade, and be free of obstructions such as trees or large boulders.

(4)    One-way EV access shall be a minimum of 20' when sprinklered, 22' without sprinklers. One-way EV access shall be assigned and striped as "Fire Lane – No Parking."

(5)    Multifamily and commercial structures three stories and greater or over 30' in height shall have access roads in accordance with International Fire Code Appendix D105.

(Ord. 2024-528 § 1, 2024; Ord. 2021-46s § 1, 2021; Ord. 2018-68s § 2 (part), 2018; Ord. 2016-85s § 1 (part), 2016; Ord. 2015-55s § 2 (part), 2015; Ord. 2008-107 § 2 (part), 2008; Ord. 2004-30s § 4 (part), 2004)